Friday, January 22, 2010

Bullying Video

The topic of our public service announcement is Bullying. We chose too base the video on Snehals poster which was mostly about name calling. The target auidence is teens and how bullying makes them feel lonely. It shows what many teen girls face everyday and the horrible names that they are called. Bullying effects you no matter what and changes your life. The slogan at the beginning which says " sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me...or will they? ". This is saying that this girl tryed to act tough but in the end the name calling really did hurt. We put in pictures of bandaids with names written on them. We did this to symoblize that underneath the names the girl was cut and really hurt. I think this video would help people that bully realized how much it hurts and how it makes you feel. The music really sets the mood of the video by making it seem sad.